Tuesday, 12 March 2013


Consuming alcohol for the teens might be very exciting and feels great especially in the midst of other teenagers but the consequences of these actions continue to increase.
Alcohol consumption especially binge drinking has tremendous effect on the consumer’s health and the effect is much on the teenagers. Presently, there is a strong correlation between cancer and alcohol and evidence shows that more than 15% of all breast cancer for females and cancer of the larynx, mouth, esophagus for the males are related to alcohol.
The effect of smoking on the teenager’s life is also alarming because the teens will get exposed to much earlier ill effect such as premature aging of the skin (wrinkles), reduce fertility levels, impotence, stomach ulcer and cataracts. 

The effects don’t stop here as it extends into a long term effect of health issues for any teenager. Heart disease is a long term effect of smoking in teenage years and diseases like coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, cardiovascular disease and lots more leads to death especially when experienced earlier.

Unfortunately, the consequences of these actions does not acknowledge  the present of peer pressures or willingly smoking or consuming alcohol since the effect remains the same for all teenagers.

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